The Suggestion Box Paradox

Sound Familiar?

Pesky Problem

You’re worried a suggestion box primes guests to be critical.

You’ve thought about setting out a suggestion box in your Airbnb before, but each time you consider it, you get uneasy. You wonder: “Doesn’t that just prompt guests to start critiquing the space? Do I really want to ask my guests to focus on negative things while they’re visiting? Plus can’t they just say this stuff in the app when they leave a review.” We can completely understand these doubts. And after all the work you’ve invested in your Airbnb, setting up an avenue for potential criticism can feel particularly disheartening.

Let's Try This

Bite-Size Solution

Flip the script. Guests love an invitation to share their thoughts.

But here’s the catch. When the vast majority of guests see a suggestion box, it doesn’t make them shift gears into a negative critic. Paradoxically, it actually has the opposite effect. It primes folks with rose-colored glasses from the moment they see it. All humans love to be genuinely asked: “What do you think?”

By setting out a suggestion box, you demonstrate to your guests that you truly care about making an amazing experience for them. You’re saying: “I see you and your perspective is valuable.” Plus you’re offering an old-school, analog opportunity to connect, which feels much more human than a templatized prompt from a tech giant asking for more feedback. And here’s the funny thing: most guests won’t leave any suggestions at all. But! Every single one of your guests will appreciate the fact that you asked. That’s the magic: the invitation, the recognition, the humility. You know: the humanness of this whole Airbnb endeavor.

5 Minutes

Here's Your First Step

Set out a friendly suggestion box in the entryway.

Ready to create those rose-colored glasses? This will just take you a few minutes to prepare. Pick a small container or bowl that can serve as your suggestion box. Label it and set it out along with a little stack of papers and a few pens. We’d recommend putting it as close to the entryway as possible so you impress guests as soon as they arrive. Finally, add a personal note from you with instructions. This can be as simple as a sticky note that says something like: “We’re always looking to improve our Airbnb! Got any ideas? We’d love to hear your thoughts. Just leave us a note here. Thank you!”

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