The 15 Most Frequently Forgotten Airbnb Amenities

Sound Familiar?

Pesky Problem

You’re worried that you’ve forgotten an obvious amenity.

Even after your space has been outfitted and guests are enjoying your Airbnb, many hosts have a small, nagging feeling in the back of their mind: Have I forgotten to include an obvious amenity for my guests? If that question perpetually pops up for you, that’s totally normal. Outfitting an Airbnb is a big undertaking, and keeping it fully stocked is no small feat. Those recurring thoughts are just a sign that you genuinely care about your guests and their experience staying with you. That’s a great thing! But let’s see if we can dial down the worry factor. You’ve got better things to focus on.

Let's Try This

Bite-Size Solution

Check for the most frequently forgotten items first.

The good news is that there are predictable patterns when it comes to overlooked amenities. That gives you an easy place to start. Just review the things other hosts typically forget, and if you identify a missing item, take heart: you’re not alone! As we compiled our checklist of the 15 most frequently forgotten amenities, we noticed that these odds and ends don’t fit squarely into typical categories. That’s why they’re so commonly overlooked. Luckily, these blind spots are just as quick and easy to remedy as they are to forget.

5 Minutes

Here's Your First Step

Download your copy of this short and sweet checklist.

Even the best hosts can easily forget a thing or two. We’ve got you covered with our latest Big Heart Hosting checklist: The 15 Most Frequently Forgotten Airbnb AmenitiesJust enter your name and email below and we’ll send this essential checklist right to your inbox. Simply scan the list and see which additions your space might need. And if any of these amenities make you pause, take a minute and read the full description. We promise, we’ve got a good reason (and many Airbnb stays) behind each of these amenities. Enjoy!

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the 15 most frequently forgotten airbnb amenities

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The number one question we hear from hosts is “What am I forgetting to put in my Airbnb?” This collection is the definitive answer to that question. In our signature product, we go room-by-room, step-by-step until your Airbnb is perfectly appointed and ready to impress. Bye-bye blindspots and hello happy guests!

free checklist!

Even the best hosts can forget a thing or two

Luckily all 15 of these common mistakes are super easy to fix. Grab your copy of the checklist below and dive on in!

Erin & Jay

big heart hosting

we help hosts thrive

You’re an ambitious Airbnb host with a big heart. But on some days, hosting isn’t exactly what you had imagined. Maybe it’s overwhelming. Or isolating. Or just not making the kind of money you had envisioned. At Big Heart Hosting, we’re on a mission to help hosts like you thrive, not just get by. We create step-by-step resources that bring together the best hosting strategies from around the world. We’ll give you the knowledge and community you need to create the joyful, prosperous Airbnb you deserve.

Erin & Jay

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5 Checklists Every Airbnb Hosts Needs